
I'm Hesham.

a programmer

cloud mountain


I am an Islamic Student. And I am also a Web Devoloper. I know HTML and CSS! and I look forward to learn more languages.

My Skills.


Design & Devolopment

I got intrested in Coding when I was just 12 years old! And since then I have made it my Career choice! I have Completed many different coding challenges and courses on different websites and I look forward to become a Good Devoloper.

Islamic Scholar

As an Islamic Student I study in a Madarsa and out of 7 years of the total course i have completed 4 years and In the span of these years i have read many different books on Islamic Culture and have a good understanding of My religion.

Get In Touch

If you Like to Talk to Me

If you love Programming too! I will be really interested to talk to you!

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